November 5, 2008

Change is Here

Art by Ben Heine

The Sun rose over the horizon and changed night to day; the birth of a different future.
The Sun rose today…

Change has been called out before in the past and has been answered in the present.
My ancestor’s voice spoke the words of change into existence, so that I may see them with my own eyes.

What I see is a man with a dream fueled by his passion and who looks just like me, telling me that all you believe, you could succeed. It is that seed of truth that I preserve and transfer to my future me; that what I’ve witnessed, you will soon to be.

History is the never-ending story, rewriting itself as a documentary of time. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. saw the future and spoke it as he envisioned it, as distant as his vision was, the illumination of its presence traveled many light-years like far-away stars, before it reached us, but now it is here so we may all see.