August 20, 2008

1VERSE- The Book

I have sporadically posted new writings upon returning from Beijing, China to only find myself immersed into a new project.

I have been working extensively to put out a collection of poems that span across the great reaches of time and space. This project is painstakingly difficult with the various revisions and formatting that will seamlessly transition from one thought process to the next.

The journey is a make-up of the variables that define life experiences and is told from the perspective of a young man finding his voice and speaking the words into existence; the Alpha & Omega from Genesis to Revelations. This collection is over 10 years in the making and all written under one breath and written aloud.

I write this post to apologize and to explain the seemingly lack of dedication, but please be prepared as the final print is scheduled for release by the holidays. I will provide updates as the date nears! I wish my faithful readers anticipate its arrival as much as I do. Thank you all for your patronage and support.